Hello everyone! Welcome to my new site blog, this is going to replace probably most of my social media and give updates based on the time of month!
This section will be dedicated to updates on my studies and how school is going just in general!
On January 19th I started a brand new semester, I'm taking english, sociology, 2D programming, and computer logic! So far classes are going really good, I'm staying on top of my work, making it to my classes on time, and really enjoying the dorm life! (IMO some people need to either learn to grow their own weed or find a new source other than the dispensaries nearby because what they're smoking doesn't smell right at ALL, dude)
In other school related news I'm getting used to my new schedule and unfortunately missed all my club meetings so far, however I'm feeling a bit more comfortable with it now so starting next week I'm gonna get out and make it to those meetings!
Here's a section dedicated to my hobbies such as game development, learning html, and cooking!
Something I got back into recently is RPG Maker 2k3, and luckily once I had a good outline for a game ready and a few enemy ideas and character ideas (courtesy of my very talented and lovely art friend), RPG Maker VX Ace went on sale for 100% off! So I've been slowly but surely transferring all the events, enemies, skills, and maps from 2k3, which I have to do manually because it's impossible to transfer directly from 2k3 to VX Ace. Other than that minor setback it's all coming along smoothly!
More good news, my 3ds is working pretty much perfectly again so I've been playing a lot of Earthbound and having a great time! I still need to get a microSD card reader for my laptop so I can get a bigger card in the thing, but that's not a high priority since I have big plans for this year!
I unfortunately haven't been able to cook anything as of late because my dorms don't have kitchenettes anywhere except for the new expensive dorms (which might be it's downfall because they've already had like 5 fire alarms go off this week LMAO). Luckily I might be going to my mom's house this weekend to spend my birthday weekend, we're gonna have pizza, wings, and pie! I WILL cook spaghetti while I'm there, so expect to hear about that from me!
I think this month is going to go really well, I'm gonna work on my game, my studies, and make sure my dorm stays in good shape!
With all that said, I hope you all have a great february and an amazing day, stay chilly, and good-bye for now!